Brian Hasselfeld MD
Dr. Brian Hasselfeld is the Senior Medical Director, Digital Health and Innovation at Johns Hopkins Medicine, focusing on digital health, virtual care, and clinical innovation. He is responsible for the Office of Telemedicine, which oversees virtual care operational and technical implementation across all of JHM, including six hospitals, ambulatory operations across four states, as well as international, home care, and insurance lines of business. In addition, he is the Associate Director, Johns Hopkins inHealth, a strategic initiative to advance precision medicine across JHM. He also serves as a primary care physician in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in Baltimore City. Finally, he serves as a Board Member for the Johns Hopkins Health Plans Medicare Advantage insurance plan. Outside of Hopkins, he serves on the Clinical Advisory Board for Atropos Health, serves as advisor to ShareWell, and is on the .406 Ventures Healthcare Executive Council. He has experience in investment banking, entrepreneurship, and technology innovation, and is a certified Epic (EMR) Physician Builder. Prior to medical school, he was an investment banking analyst on Wall Street in Technology, Media, and Telecommunications. Dr. Hasselfeld completed his residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Boston Children’s Hospital, and served as the program’s Chief Resident.